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The Local Coordination Guides of the Mexico Metropolitan North National Coordination attended Eucharistic celebrations to thank for Father Ignacio Larrañaga´s life and work on his 4th Anniversary Passover.
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On the 4th Anniversary of Father Ignacio's Passover on October 28th in the Parque del Recuerdo Cemetery, PLW Guides from Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, gathered with [...]
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The International Coordination visited different Zones and countries in recent months: Brazil, the Philippines, Cuba and Colombia. In these countries they shared with the Zone, National and Local Teams and [...]
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En Brasilia, DF. se llevó a cabo la Misa de envío de ocho nuevos Guías en el mes de noviembre. La felicidad de los nuevos enviados contagió a todos los [...]
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La Coordinación Internacional dentro de su misión de compartir con los Guías y Coordinaciones de todas las Zonas, se reunió en Bogotá con el Equipo Zona Andina y los Equipos [...]
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Atizapán, Ecatepec, Ixtacala, Naucalpan I y II, y Tlalnepantla
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The Eucharist took place in the chapel of the school Alvernia of Bogotá. The presider was the Capuchin priest, Workshop Guide, Diego Fernando Mejía. Previous to the Eucharist, the Guides [...]
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The Guides of the Northeastern Colombian National Coordination participated in the Eucharist of thanksgiving for the life of Father Ignacio, on the 4th Anniversary of his Passover. It was celebrated [...]
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