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General news – Page 2 – TOVPIL

Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

General news
Future Guides promote their Workshops
The Future Guides of the School for Preparting Guides in Campiña Grande Oeste, Paraiba, Brazil, made the promotion for their Workshops with great enthusiasm.
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General news
Visit to Mexico-North Zone
The Mexico-North Zone Team visited all the Local Coordination´s Guides belonging to Mexico Pacific 2 National Coordination. The National Team was present in these meetings.
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General news
Day of Fraternal Sharing in Fatima
During the month of July, the Portuguese PLW family of Fatima lived this Day of Fraternity with great enthusiasm.
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General news
New Guides for PLW Family in Ceuta, Spain
In Ceuta, a small city in North Africa, two new Guides have been sent, who, conscious of their vocation, will go as apostles, evangelizers and missionaries in PLW, bearers of [...]
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General news
New Guides in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Sent Forth Mass of four new Guides in the Jericho Coordination of Guayaquil, ready to announce to the world that God is love, mercy, care: a New Evangelization.
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General news
Inner Freedom Retreat, Bogota, Colombia
This Retreat was imparted in Bogota organized by the Local Coordinations Moriah and Belen.
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General news
New Guides for PLW Family in Costa Rica
Sending Forth Ceremony of new Guides in the Coordination of Carthage West, Turrialba and Guadalupe. May the Lord grant them perseverance and fidelity in their evangelizing mission.
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General news
Meeting Treasurers Colombia
The Andean Zone Team invited the Treasurers of the six National Areas of Colombia to analyze issues related to material costs, unifying criteria for the distribution of TOV assets throughout [...]
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General news
Retiro Anual Brasilia
The Guides of the Local Coordinations of Brasilia, DF, lived the Annual Retreat "Jesus, Center and Life" in an atmosphere of silence, concentration and prayer. It was a true blessing [...]
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